Monday, June 16, 2008

How will the end, END

I try not to dwell on this too often, but occasionally I get glimpses of what it may be like.

When I lived in Houston, many years ago, I woke in a sweat, I had seen a smoking ruins, some buildings toppled, other with great flumes of smoke rising. Many bodies in the streets, and many more people walking out of the city, as the highways were clogged with broken down cars. I had seen miles and miles of people trying to flee a dead city.

Another time I had seen while driving, the hills crawling with tanks, men in foreign uniforms, going through the land-scape

I am so concerned with the teaching that has come up in the last 80 years or so, about the end times, about the "rapture". I feel that this teaching has caused a great number of people to become lazy in their faith, with a belief that they will not have to suffer. Along with this teaching has also come the carnal riches teaching that says Christians should be wealthy.

This nation I feel is set for a rude awakening, for when the fire of persecution begins to fall, so many of the social Christians will fall by the side, and others will flee from the faith, because every thing they had been taught sitting in their comfortable pews will be getting turned upside down. Seeing Christians shot for their faith, their financial wealth taken from them, and the loss of their freedoms will cause many to loose heart.

By GS Robison

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Playing with Fire, by Gary Robison

Why do we think we have free reign in the Body of Christ, to do as we please?

When a fruit inspector inspects fruit, whether domestic, or foreign, he looks for signs of rot. He is also looks for signs of infestation.

When Christ examines our fruits, He is looking for basically the same thing. He demands that we produce good fruit, for the branches that product no fruit or bad fruit, draws nutrition from the whole, and does nothing with it. I truly believe His is a loving caretaker of His gardens. When a branch is not producing fruit, or has some bad fruit on it, He will not just cut it off, He will tend it, will nurture and prune it, but there is a time to cut your losses and just put it in the fire.

What is judgement day?

It is the separating of the good from the bad. He will cast into the fire, those who's names are not written in the book of Life. And the remainder, He judges according to their works. The doing of works is not required for salvation, but is the evidence of true repentance.

How is ones name put into the book of life?

By confessing with the mouth, that Jesus Christ is Lord, But what is it to confess? It is a making of a covenant, a promise. It is not just going up and shacking the pastors hand because your heart strings were pulled. It is a covenant, a promise to the Lord, that you are turning your life over to Him. It also requires true repentance, or being in full disgust of what sin is in your life. and wanting it out so badly, because of the heart knowledge of how the Lord sees sin.

So what is sin?

He gave us the 10 commandments to be a measuring guide, of what sin is.

So, why did I write this.

When He has cast those whose names were not written in the book of life, He will bring us before Him. When we stand before the Lord, and He looks upon us, everything we have done is revealed, His holy fire will reveal what we have done in the Kingdom, what kind of fruits were produced! All of the works of the flesh will be consumed. If we travel the strait and narrow path, and have produced the good fruits, He will not blot out of the book of life. But if we are not watching, then He returns, and finds us lacking, He will cast those out, those that did not overcome the cares of this world, Those that are lukewarm, He will vomit out of His mouth.

We are forgiven of our sins, from the sacrifice of the cross, We have His liberty, We are redeemed, but according to scripture, we are to work out our salvation, is it possible to have your name removed from the book of life? Yes, by not producing the good fruits (works), by becoming lukewarm, by removing or changing His word. We are to serve Him in fear and trembling, because when He returns it will be with an all consuming fire.

Those that are born-again, and have a true relationship with Christ, He welcomes with open arms, but for those just playing church, going to church because it is the popular thing to do, those that have not turned their lives over to Him, but want to continue in their sins, those that do not walk with Him, on a daily basis, HE will say, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

No, we are not to judge those outside the body, but we are to judge within. We are our brother's keeper, and I know there is a huge wall of religion that has separated the those that want to play church from the Lord.

My desire and prayer is to break down this wall, so that they can see the truth of salvation. Regrettably, there are so many that have been led to Christ, by all of these big time Evangelists, and TV preachers, and then left to wither on the vine, thinking that because they said a prayer over the TV, that they will be sitting in Glory, playing on a harp.

And a great injustice has been done to them, because now they think they are washed clean, but instead have just went back out to the barnyard and started wallowing in the same mire they came out of.

It is like what John wrote to the church of the Laodiceans, claiming to be saved, having everything they need, but in fact are naked, and when the fire comes, will not be able to stand, but will fall. Rejecting Christ, so that their bellies will be full, or loving family more than The Most High. Fearing the thought and actions of man, more that the Lord.

By GS Robison

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My bride has become a harlot!, by Gary Robison

The word of the Lord 04/04/2007

My bride has become a harlot! I will purge and cleanse her before I bring her to my father's house. I always chastise those I love. My wrath and furry will be poured out, I will not tolerate your idol worship, and your participation of your demonic practices. You push your children into the arms and bosom of Lucifer when you say it is just for fun. When will you open your hearts to me, when will you allow me to work in you. I call for the circumcision of your hearts. If you continue your walk with demons I will cut you off. I will destroy the tares that have grown up in my vineyard. You have become old stale salt; I will dump you under my feet, and trample you down. Repent and come back to me my bride, for my wrath is now come. You will see my furry in the hours to come.

By GS Robison

Vipers, by Gary Robison

The word of the Lord 07/09/2007

You nation of vipers, can you not see my wrath. You walked with me and yet you chose to deny my power and authority. Watch as my hand cleanses this land. You brood of vipers; you choose to walk in unrighteousness. You have chosen the ear ticklers and false prophets that cry peace, peace.
My wrath has begun; see as I wash the filth from this land. I will purge the dross and burn the chaff, what is left is my chosen. I will be with you as you pass through the fires. As you are beaten, spit on, and ridiculed, know that I am with you. Do not fear those that only have power over your bodies, but fear ME, for I have the power and authority over your spirits. Walk on the straight and narrow path that I have lain before you; avoid the easy paths, the wide and easy ways lay towards death and destruction.

By GS Robison

Hardened Hearts, by Gary Robison

Word of the LORD, Feb 25th 2008

Because this people have hardened their hearts to ME, and continue to bow before their idols, I will take their idols and grind them under MY heel. MY children, prepare your hearts and minds because I will destroy this stiff-necked peoples idols, you will see difficult and hard times. I will purge the chaff and purify MY bride for the final fight. I will be with you through the hard times and strengthen your faith. I will take away your crutches that have been a stumbling block to your growth in ME. I will cause a time of hardship that will make the great depression pale in comparison. Quit depending on your money and riches. Look to ME for ALL your needs.

By GS Robison

To the Shepherds, by Gary Robison

Word of the LORD, Feb. 27th 2008

To the Shepherd’s, I AM angry with you. MY sheep are not being prepared. They wonder around aimlessly. You shepherds were given a great responsibility, you were to prepare and strengthen MY sheep. Instead you have made them weak and lazy. They depend on you instead of looking to ME. You have not taught them to search ME out.

You tickle their ears and feed them with a false sense of hope. I dispatched you out to prepare MY bride, and you threw her into the dung pile. I will purify her and cleanse her, but I will require of you shepherds the blood of those that have suffered. You lead MY sheep into pastures I never told you to go. You take them to places and allow and encourage them to whore themselves to false gods. You sit back and watch, and even have partaken with them while they prostitute themselves to the lusts and desires of the world.

I told you that to be a friend to the world you make yourselves MY enemy. I will purify MY bride just as gold is purified, with fire. You will now watch as I burn the chaff from among MY harvest, but first I will thrash the wheat and separate those that are pure in heart. I loath and despise the luke warm, those that sit on the fence and try to fit into both worlds. You were to train MY children to go out and be ambassadors to this world, no to be partakers.

By GS Robison

Awake Bride of Christ, by Gary Robison

Word of the Lord Mar 9th 2008

Just as Israel and Judah had a time to repent and turn from their whoring with the world, so has the body of Y'shua. But so also when the time was cut off, they were put into exile and suffered. The time has come for His bride to awaken and repent, for His wrath is being poured out. Christ is the beginning and finisher of our faith, We must examine our hearts and lives. If we are bearing bad fruit or no fruit, He will hew the bad trees and cast them into the fire. Just as we were grafted in to the branch, He will cut us off.

But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, an olive-tree of the fields, were put in among them, and were given a part with them in the root by which the olive-tree is made fertile, Do not be uplifted in pride over the branches: because it is not you who are the support of the root, but it is by the root that you are supported.

You will say, Branches were broken off so that I might be put in. Truly, because they had no faith they were broken off, and you have your place by reason of your faith. Do not be lifted up in pride, but have fear; For, if God did not have mercy on the natural branches, he will not have mercy on you.

See then that God is good but his rules are fixed: to those who were put away he was hard, but to you he has been good, on the condition that you keep in his mercy; if not, you will be cut off as they were.

And they, if they do not go on without faith, will be united to the tree again, because God is able to put them in again. For if you were cut out of a field olive-tree, and against the natural use were united to a good olive-tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be united again with the olive-tree which was theirs?

By GS Robison

Stand and watch, Gary Robison

Word of the Lord March 24th, 2008
Stand and watch my son, just as this people and nation have thrown accusations and insults at my children, this nation that once called itself by my name, have stoned my children with their words and actions, so I will hurl stones at them. Watch as the sky falls, see as the stones come down upon their own heads. I will pour out my wrath, for my nostrils are full of the stench of their filth.

When they have become weakened, then will I bring my hand upon them, as I did Judah and Israel, just as I brought Babylon against them and punished them for turning their backs to Me and whored themselves with their false gods, so this nation too will face my wrath. I will bring Persia, and have already moved against them. In the days ahead, you will here of my wrath. Stand and watch.

My return comes soon, I come bringing fire and a sword. My word will cut apart, will cut to the very core of the heart. There is no where to run and hide from my furry. Because this nation once called themselves by My Name, I will strike it first. Because this people have turned their backs to me, refuse to allow Me or My words to be uttered in their civil and governments buildings, and refuse to allow the children to hear My words, because of the countless lives stolen before birth,

My wrath falls on them.
Those that still follow Me, whose hearts have not been lead astray by the desires of this world, that still obey My words, I will place a covering over, for I am not finished with this people, I will have mercy upon the remnants of this nation, after My sword Persia has gone through this nation, I will again call this nation to repentance. My return is soon, but not yet, I still have cups to pour out on other nations, My sword will sweep through England, Germany, France, and Spain. Italy, has a cup of her own that I have reserved for a time. China and Russia will suffer much loss, as will India, Japan and Australia.

Seek My face, pray for a swift end to My wrath, My bride must be purified, the spots and blemishes removed from her gown, only then will I return. Once I have removed the chaff and the dross.

There are many false teachings that I will contend with, within the church, many will fall away, those that remain will be purified with fire, just as a jeweler refines gold, so will I.

By GS Robison

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Yahweh's Word, by Gary Robison

The word of the Lord, April 1st, 2007.

Do not weep for these people, for I have cursed them. For many years now, I the Lord have warned this stiff necked people, but just as my children Israel turned from me, so have these. My blessings I poured upon them and protected them.

You call evil good, and Holy you profane, you have chosen to sleep with Jezebel, now you will feel my wrath. My cup is full of the weeping of my saints, and My wrath has come. Those you most fervently protect and lament for are to be my sword. Just as I used Babylon to punish Judah and Israel, so will I use Persia to end the days of America. Your cities I will lay in ruins, you will weep for your gold and silver and precious stones.

You have become as Sodom, yes even Gomorrah.
I prepare my bride, but first I must burn away the chaff, I must separate the gold from the dross. I will allow no unclean fruit into my Kingdom, I will prune and burn the unproductive and evil branches first. Wail and weep you must not do, instead, flee from the influences of Babylon, my children, turn from Jezebel and repent of your whoring practices.

I commanded you to not partake of the heathen practices and do you now bow before their idols, but as I gaze upon my bride, all I see is filth and disgust. You have chosen Baal and Asteroth to follow. For this my anger is kindled.

Turn from following your traditions and follow my commandments. Your false prophets cry peace, peace by twisting and profaning my Word. I never gave you license to sin, I told you that if you produce bad fruit I would cut you off, but you prefer to have your ears tickled, you follow me with your mouths, but your hearts are full of envy, anger, and greed.

I spoke, but you did not listen, you desire the praises of men, you fear man more that me. You desire to keep company with Jezebel, and follow Babylon idol worship.

By GS Robison