Sunday, April 13, 2008

Playing with Fire, by Gary Robison

Why do we think we have free reign in the Body of Christ, to do as we please?

When a fruit inspector inspects fruit, whether domestic, or foreign, he looks for signs of rot. He is also looks for signs of infestation.

When Christ examines our fruits, He is looking for basically the same thing. He demands that we produce good fruit, for the branches that product no fruit or bad fruit, draws nutrition from the whole, and does nothing with it. I truly believe His is a loving caretaker of His gardens. When a branch is not producing fruit, or has some bad fruit on it, He will not just cut it off, He will tend it, will nurture and prune it, but there is a time to cut your losses and just put it in the fire.

What is judgement day?

It is the separating of the good from the bad. He will cast into the fire, those who's names are not written in the book of Life. And the remainder, He judges according to their works. The doing of works is not required for salvation, but is the evidence of true repentance.

How is ones name put into the book of life?

By confessing with the mouth, that Jesus Christ is Lord, But what is it to confess? It is a making of a covenant, a promise. It is not just going up and shacking the pastors hand because your heart strings were pulled. It is a covenant, a promise to the Lord, that you are turning your life over to Him. It also requires true repentance, or being in full disgust of what sin is in your life. and wanting it out so badly, because of the heart knowledge of how the Lord sees sin.

So what is sin?

He gave us the 10 commandments to be a measuring guide, of what sin is.

So, why did I write this.

When He has cast those whose names were not written in the book of life, He will bring us before Him. When we stand before the Lord, and He looks upon us, everything we have done is revealed, His holy fire will reveal what we have done in the Kingdom, what kind of fruits were produced! All of the works of the flesh will be consumed. If we travel the strait and narrow path, and have produced the good fruits, He will not blot out of the book of life. But if we are not watching, then He returns, and finds us lacking, He will cast those out, those that did not overcome the cares of this world, Those that are lukewarm, He will vomit out of His mouth.

We are forgiven of our sins, from the sacrifice of the cross, We have His liberty, We are redeemed, but according to scripture, we are to work out our salvation, is it possible to have your name removed from the book of life? Yes, by not producing the good fruits (works), by becoming lukewarm, by removing or changing His word. We are to serve Him in fear and trembling, because when He returns it will be with an all consuming fire.

Those that are born-again, and have a true relationship with Christ, He welcomes with open arms, but for those just playing church, going to church because it is the popular thing to do, those that have not turned their lives over to Him, but want to continue in their sins, those that do not walk with Him, on a daily basis, HE will say, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.

No, we are not to judge those outside the body, but we are to judge within. We are our brother's keeper, and I know there is a huge wall of religion that has separated the those that want to play church from the Lord.

My desire and prayer is to break down this wall, so that they can see the truth of salvation. Regrettably, there are so many that have been led to Christ, by all of these big time Evangelists, and TV preachers, and then left to wither on the vine, thinking that because they said a prayer over the TV, that they will be sitting in Glory, playing on a harp.

And a great injustice has been done to them, because now they think they are washed clean, but instead have just went back out to the barnyard and started wallowing in the same mire they came out of.

It is like what John wrote to the church of the Laodiceans, claiming to be saved, having everything they need, but in fact are naked, and when the fire comes, will not be able to stand, but will fall. Rejecting Christ, so that their bellies will be full, or loving family more than The Most High. Fearing the thought and actions of man, more that the Lord.

By GS Robison

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