Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My bride has become a harlot!, by Gary Robison

The word of the Lord 04/04/2007

My bride has become a harlot! I will purge and cleanse her before I bring her to my father's house. I always chastise those I love. My wrath and furry will be poured out, I will not tolerate your idol worship, and your participation of your demonic practices. You push your children into the arms and bosom of Lucifer when you say it is just for fun. When will you open your hearts to me, when will you allow me to work in you. I call for the circumcision of your hearts. If you continue your walk with demons I will cut you off. I will destroy the tares that have grown up in my vineyard. You have become old stale salt; I will dump you under my feet, and trample you down. Repent and come back to me my bride, for my wrath is now come. You will see my furry in the hours to come.

By GS Robison

1 comment:

pepoithesis said...

The harlot is being revealed and those whose eyes and ears are opened will hear and see it! I am reminded of Samson and even in our own disobedience God so mercifully displays and pours out His mercy. God is NOT interested in redeeming and restoring some religious system, HE is interested in restoring and redeeming HIS people from that system! How, when, where, is at HIS beckoning but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we all are to be making straight the way of the LORD! A timely word for all who are found in this system, babylon? the great whore? another kingdom of this world? Whatever it may be, one thing for sure-they will bow the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ and only HIS Kingdom shall reign! Maranatha! <')))))><