Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Vipers, by Gary Robison

The word of the Lord 07/09/2007

You nation of vipers, can you not see my wrath. You walked with me and yet you chose to deny my power and authority. Watch as my hand cleanses this land. You brood of vipers; you choose to walk in unrighteousness. You have chosen the ear ticklers and false prophets that cry peace, peace.
My wrath has begun; see as I wash the filth from this land. I will purge the dross and burn the chaff, what is left is my chosen. I will be with you as you pass through the fires. As you are beaten, spit on, and ridiculed, know that I am with you. Do not fear those that only have power over your bodies, but fear ME, for I have the power and authority over your spirits. Walk on the straight and narrow path that I have lain before you; avoid the easy paths, the wide and easy ways lay towards death and destruction.

By GS Robison

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