Saturday, March 8, 2008

Yahweh's Word, by Gary Robison

The word of the Lord, April 1st, 2007.

Do not weep for these people, for I have cursed them. For many years now, I the Lord have warned this stiff necked people, but just as my children Israel turned from me, so have these. My blessings I poured upon them and protected them.

You call evil good, and Holy you profane, you have chosen to sleep with Jezebel, now you will feel my wrath. My cup is full of the weeping of my saints, and My wrath has come. Those you most fervently protect and lament for are to be my sword. Just as I used Babylon to punish Judah and Israel, so will I use Persia to end the days of America. Your cities I will lay in ruins, you will weep for your gold and silver and precious stones.

You have become as Sodom, yes even Gomorrah.
I prepare my bride, but first I must burn away the chaff, I must separate the gold from the dross. I will allow no unclean fruit into my Kingdom, I will prune and burn the unproductive and evil branches first. Wail and weep you must not do, instead, flee from the influences of Babylon, my children, turn from Jezebel and repent of your whoring practices.

I commanded you to not partake of the heathen practices and do you now bow before their idols, but as I gaze upon my bride, all I see is filth and disgust. You have chosen Baal and Asteroth to follow. For this my anger is kindled.

Turn from following your traditions and follow my commandments. Your false prophets cry peace, peace by twisting and profaning my Word. I never gave you license to sin, I told you that if you produce bad fruit I would cut you off, but you prefer to have your ears tickled, you follow me with your mouths, but your hearts are full of envy, anger, and greed.

I spoke, but you did not listen, you desire the praises of men, you fear man more that me. You desire to keep company with Jezebel, and follow Babylon idol worship.

By GS Robison

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