Sunday, October 4, 2020


 Yehovah is calling forth those who will listen, to fall on their face, and repent of breaking His covenant. To embrace Torah and live according to His ways.

A revival is coming, of keeping His Torah. Before the great falling away.

Peace. Peace. Peace

Is on the lips of those who profane His covenant.

Grace is a word used by the prophets of Baal, that teach a different gospel than what Yehovah gave Moses. The same gospel Yeshua taught. That the kingdom is at hand. Repent and turn from defiling His covenant

Yehovah demands a holy people, purged by fire. Great persecution is coming upon those who keep His covenant and have the testimony of Yeshua.

The churches will rise up and turn against the Covenant keepers .

Those who keep His Covenant, are fallen from Grace, and must be excommunicated by brute force. 

This is the message the churches will proclaim.

The whore of Babylon, those in league with the man of perdition, are gathering for the great feast of flesh. Teach the people to turn from breaking the Covenant. To prepare for a mass revival, of a sea coming to Yehovah. Prepare them to teach those seeking His ways to follow His Covenant. When the harvest is complete, the chaff will be burned. The wheat winnowed and beat. A holy sacrifice upon His alter.

The message is going forth. But few will carry it. The message doesn't tickle the ear, not will it fill the coffers with money.

But He is calling forth His servants, to cry Holy Holy Holy is Yehovah almighty.

That will teach the gospel given to Moses.