Sunday, September 2, 2012

Circumcision of the Holy Spirit

Those uncircumcised of the heart hate the law, because they have yet to die, and the law condemns them.

It is those who walk in Abraham's blessing, those circumcised, with that sinful nature removed, that foreskin of the heart, who love the law, and as such, are in turn, loved by the Father.

They pray to and worship a different jesus, 

Until they have died in Him, and receive His circumcision 
(made without hands), they can never enter His temple, the partake of that blood sacrifice, which cleanses their sin.

It is only through that death, that they can be released from that curse of the law, and once raised, they come up out of that watery grave of baptism, with that sinful nature removed from their hearts, a new creature, fully capable of obeying that law, once hated, because of the death sentence it held above their head.

The Father established HIS rules for us to live productive and Holy lives. But Satan has deluded those who seek God, into thinking they can serve God in sin.

Thinking they can ignore HIS laws, and still enter the kingdom, this is a delusion of Satan.

Those who follow this idea, do not follow the Jewish born Christ, but rather follow after a false Christ, born on the alters of pagan Roman gods.

This teaching of grace, spewed from so many pulpits, which thinks to give those followers of MARDUK/Baal the authority to continue in their sins, and teaches rebellion to the laws of YHVH, is directly from the pits of hell...

HIS grace is not permission to sin, rather HIS grace is the power through the Holy Spirit.. to come out of the sinful life, and walk holy in HIM..

by GSRobison


TRUTH459 said...

*** (Romans 6:1-2) What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
(Rom 6:2) God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
“Grace Away Sin – 101”…Blog.

Anders Ljungberg said...

what do you mean by the following text. can you give some example
and so it is today.many of those who call upon His name, prostitute themselves before their idols and images, their gods, but call His name during their copulation with their false gods. they are an abomination before Him, and a stench to His nose

GS Robison said...

Crucifix, pictures of a man they call Jesus, crosses on building, steeples on buildings, praying to the dead and statues. Crosses around their necks, fish symbols.

These are all idols or images, which are forbidden in worship.

High places, and houses of Baal.