Saturday, January 7, 2012

Will the real Jesus step foreward

The Jesus we see in movies and pictures are non-Hebrew.

But HE was a Torah observant, tallit wearing, Seventh day Sabbath and Bible Feast Keeping, kosher Jew.
All of the disciples were also, as was Paul.

But because of the hatred between Babylon and Jews, we see a totally different Jesus.

This hatred was introduced to the church way back around a century after HIS resurrection. The early "church fathers" were instrumental in the assimilation of of pagan god worship, making it more "consumable" for the Greco-Roman Hellenic culture. They saw the Jewish Christians as nothing more than legalistists. Despising the Jewish Sabbath so much, that they changed the day of worship to sunday, and changed the day of HIS resurrection to one which coincided with Ishtar (Easter). Hating every one of the Feasts and Sabbaths. Changing the birth of Christ to December.
Introducing ideas into the Church, which have no Biblical backing. And then killing anyone who did not subscribe to their version of Christ.

I think the biggest reason for misunderstanding the Bible, and Christ, is we read the word from the view of a non-Hebrew eye. Everything we know is from that of a pagan god worshiping, gentile perspective. Almost all of the churches today, can trace their roots back to the Catholic church. Many of their customs and beliefs are still strongly in force today in the protestant denominations. We still a worship from pagan infiltrated form of religion. Babylon is strongly entrenched in the Church today.

Our understanding of Paul, being taught today, is from a perspective of those early founders after the first century, who hated anything Jewish. They did everything possible to demonize anything that looked Jewish. But if we read the Word from the eyes of Hebrew, we see a totally different Gospel. We see that Paul was a firm believer in the Torah, and worshiped on Sabbath. He taught on the Sabbath, and lived the life of a Hebrew. But we are taught that he must have hated the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob after finding Christ, because the church today refuses to see Christ as Jewish. We also see that those who followed Christ, from the Gentiles, also worshiped on the Sabbath.

We are told that the believers worshiped on the first day of the week, because Paul told them to bring their gifts on that day, AGAIN... they are not seeing this from the Hebrew's eye, for on the Sabbath, they were not to be carrying anything, it was a day of rest. A day of Worship, A day of being thankful for no longer being a slave to sin (Egypt)

1Co 16:1 Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye.
1Co 16:2 Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come.

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